

At Nailsworth C of E Primary School, we recognise the importance of children making a positive start to their formal education.


Welcome to Reception

Wonder is that magical spark that opens up a child’s heart to learn. This is the true curriculum

– Sally Haughey – EYFS Consultant

At Naisworth Primary School, we recognise the fundamental importance of creating joyful, inclusive and inspirational learning environments and opportunities to allow our children to become lifelong learners. Our mission is to enable all of our children to embrace a love of life, a love of learning and a love of one another; allowing them to achieve a positive start to their formal education.

We have a broad and balanced curriculum that encourages curiosity, love and excitement which promotes high levels of engagement with child-initiated learning at the heart of our provision. We have high expectations for all our children to be the best that they can be and we want your children to achieve their full potential from their starting point.

Our learning environments are an inclusive, safe and stimulating place to be both indoors and outdoors with clearly defined learning opportunities. We want our children to be able to take risks along with knowing how to be safe, particularly in our outdoor environment.

We care very much for each and every child in our classes, and we champion all they set out to do. `Community` is at the heart of all that we do, and we create learners who celebrate and embrace our differences. Our staff have an excellent knowledge of child development which informs the planning and decisions we make.

Our Early Years curriculum is rooted in high quality inclusive texts where our children develop a love of reading from day one. Children are immersed in high quality vocabulary every day to support their language development. High quality adult interactions aid this when they children are engaging in child-initiated learning in our continuous provision.


Take a further look at what our children learn at Nailsworth C of E Primary school using the links below-

Nailsworth Curriculum Overview 2024-25

EYFS_statutory framework for Schools

The Early Years Curriculum: DEVELOPMENT MATTERS

Termly Overviews 2024-25

EYFS Autumn 1EYFS Autumn 2

Early Learning Goals

The Early Learning Goals are what every child is expected to reach by the end of Reception year divided into key learning areas: communication and language; physical development; personal, social and emotional development; literacy; mathematics; understanding of the world; expressive arts and design. 


As always, if you have any queries about the curriculum or about your child’s progress and development, please do come in and discuss it with their class teacher. The best time for a quick word or to arrange a time for a more in depth chat, is at the end of the school day.  

Support for Families

New Parents Welcome Meeting 2024

Nailsworth New Reception Welcome Meeting

Firm Foundations- Getting it right from the start 

Firm Foundations Parents Presentation