

Subject Intent 

 To increase pupils’ prospects by:

Giving pupils the skills and knowledge needed to be fluent mathematicians, and fully equip them to succeed in the next stage of their Mathematics education.

We are determined to ensure that our pupils are fluent in place value number and can then apply this to other areas of the Maths curriculum. We also want to create mathematicians who can reason and problem solve across all areas of the subject, as well as apply knowledge across the curriculum where appropraite.

  • To develop an interest and curiosity of the world around them so that they intuitively question and think mathematically about problems they encounter.
  • To develop mathematical understanding and conceptual knowledge not just procedural fluency.
  • To become fluent in key number facts, appropriate to their year group (addition and subtraction facts, times tables and division facts)
  • To use the four operations – both mental and written – with confidence; effectively, accurately and flexibly.
  • To develop a deep understanding of an area of maths through reasoning and problem solving within all lessons.
  • To be curious and ask questions about the maths in the world around them.
  • Children will develop an understanding of the world of work and how specifically someone can make a forge a career for themselves within Maths.
  • To understand how Maths has influenced their lives in particular (time, money etc).
  • To identify the social and economic implications of Maths.
  • To participate in mathematical events in the wider community/school.
  • To use their mathematical knowledge to understand how they can contribute to a better community and society

Key Documents 

Do it, Secure it, Deepen it

In our school, we have adopted the ‘Do it, Secure it, Deepen it’ approach to Maths. This approach involves children being taught a skill then proving to the teacher they can do it. Once children have shown they can successfully complete the skill, they are challenged through secure it and deepen it activities which aim to broaden and deepen their mathematical understanding. The aim of this process, is not to move children on too quickly but to allow them to move on when they have a secure and deep understanding of the Maths they are learning. It also allows children opportunities to reason and problem solve as well as make rich connections between the different mathematical areas. This approach is not evident in every lesson. We are flexible and allow teachers freedom to plan activities which inspire and capture children’s attention and these may take place outside of the classroom environment.

At Nailsworth, our belief is that maths is about more than just ‘learning numbers and methods’.  In fact, we try to encourage children to understand that the numbers we use in maths lessons are actually only a representation of “real maths” that happens in life. That is the maths notation of 7 – 2 = 5 is just an easy way of representing how many sweets I have left from my pack of 7 after my younger brother has stolen 2 of them!

In order to develop this understanding, we ensure that we provide concrete and pictorial representations in our lessons in tandem with teaching abstract methods. We believe that by engaging and interchanging between these different mediums, children will be better prepared to reason and solve different mathematical problems.
Nailsworth Maths Lesson Framework

How Parents Can Support at Home 


Here at Nailsworth we use NumBots to support the development of early number skills in Key Stage 1.

What is NumBots?

NumBots is an online maths learning platform that helps children learn how to add and
subtract, improving their fluency and recall in basic mental maths, and equipping them with
maths confidence. NumBots covers subitising, number bonds, and addition and subtraction
of double-digit numbers; gradually helping your pupils to build a solid conceptual
understanding of number sense.

For more information to help you to support your child with NumBots at home please find some helpful information below-

Numbots parent guide

 Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.

Here at Nailsworth we use TTRS from Year 2 upwards.

Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practiced every third week or so.

For more information on supporting your chid with TTRS please find some useful info below.

TTRS Parents user guide

Websites links for Parents/Carers

Hit the button is a website where children are able to practise their number skills in a fun and competitive way.

This site helps children beginning to learn their times tables and number bonds as the answers are provided and children simply need to select the correct answer.

There is also an app available for download for a slight charge which will then store children’s scores so that they can work hard to achieve their best over time.

This link will take you to a page with 4 different options:
Latest features: Outdoor problems and activities for children to think about maths in different contexts.
News and recent solutions: Problems to recent questions and any updates.
Activities and Games: A huge range of resources and activities for children to get involved in.
Thinking Mathematically: Activities aimed at developing mathematical skills, investigations and thinking in children

1-minute maths from White Rose is a free to download app that children can use to practise various maths operations.

We would prefer children to use NumBot as this helps us to track their activity, but your child may like the variety that this app can bring