The PTFA (or Parent, Teachers and Families Association) are a friendly group of volunteers who raise money and put on events for the school, from Treat Friday to Fireworks and discos (and the bar at evening events!). We meet about every six weeks in term time and are always looking for people to join our committee or volunteer to help out at events. Many hands make light work and put on GREAT events for the Children.
You may think it’s just a raffle ticket or a cookie you are purchasing, but last year, thanks to everyone’s support, we were able to give £10,000 to school towards projects and activities they would otherwise have not been able to have. Some examples of what the money was spent on last year:
- Swimming lessons
- ICT (Information Communication Technology) equipment such as interactive white boards and tablets for home-learning
- Times Table Rockstars application
- Craft and cookery supplies – separate contribution for each class
- School trips
- New stocks of reading books for all year groups
- Book bags for all new pupils of Reception Year
- Leavers hoodies for Year 6 pupils
- Curtains for the stage
- New outdoor areas for rotating year groups
- Equipment for Forest School
- Additions to the outdoor nature garden and indoor nurture room
We’d love to hear from you, the more help and hands we have the better the events we can put on for the children’s enjoyment. If you would like to be kept up-to-date with what we’re doing,please drop us a line and we’ll add you to our mailing list
We also now have a Families of Nailsworth School Facebook page! This group will be used to share news, talk about events, ask for feedback, share important events and family learning opportunities. We hope that this facility will make communication with the school and each other easier for parents and carers.
Donations to the PTFA
If you would like to make a donation to the PTFA, please drop an envelope to reception marked for the attention of ‘PTFA’.
Online Fundraising
Did you know that while you are shopping online, you could be helping to raise vital funds for the school?
By signing up to easyfundraising, every time you shop online at any of the participating retailers – including Amazon, John Lewis, Argos, Next, Tesco, M&S and eBay – a donation will be made to Nailsworth Primary School.
Visit and register ‘Nailsworth Primary School‘ as your Good Cause. It’s free and simple to use and anyone can sign up – even family and friends! Whenever you shop online, simply click on to the easyfundraising website first. If you select Get One Click Donation Reminder you’ll be able to add the app to your browser for easy, one-step donating.
Pre-loved uniform
We have a good stock of pre-loved school uniform, we sell these items at Treat Fridays after school. Please keep any eye on our PTFA Facebook page for details for the next sale.
Meet this year’s committee
Chair – Iris Stevens
Iris is our super chair and does a fantastic job for the PTFA, heading up the team and we are very lucky that she has agreed to chair again this year.
Secretary – Caroline West
Caroline is our super friendly secretary and has again agreed to support the PTFA once again in this busy role this year.
Treasurer – Carly Hudd
Carly is our treasurer and ensures all of the finances are in order.
Jenna Jamal
Other Committee Members
Lisa Knowles
Iris Stevens
Lydia Harrison
Emily Stubberfield
Carolyn Wimbush
Vic Mertens
Debbie Hughes
Sue Gibbons
Helen Weaver
What does the PTFA do?
The Parents, Teachers and Families Association (PTFA) organises events and raises funds for the benefit of children at Nailsworth Primary School. We are a registered charity with our own constitution and run entirely by unpaid volunteers. We are an elected committee and every parent or carer of a child at the school is automatically a member. We are not part of the school, but work closely with the teachers and governors to support the school’s objectives and to provide an enhanced environment and inclusive experiences for the children.
We have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year when we decide what the funding priorities are for the coming year. We invite parents, carers and the teaching staff to put forward suggestions and then the Committee decides which ones we are going to support. We can also consider other smaller requests throughout the year if funds are available.
We also run a mixed programme of events each year. Many of these are tried-and-tested favourites with parents and children, but we also like to try new ideas. This year we are aiming to run more fund-raising events within the wider community and are very grateful for the continued support from families and businesses in and around Nailsworth towards our fund-raising.
How to get involved
We need help from as many parents, carers, teachers and friends as possible to run successful events and meet our fund-raising goals. It’s also brilliant to have new people joining in to bring new ideas and it’s a really good way to get to know other parents if you’re new to the school. We know people lead busy lives, so don’t worry if you can’t make a regular time commitment or can’t make committee meetings. There are plenty of other ways you can help out, big or small.
- If you are interested in joining the committee please speak to one of the existing members – see below – who will be able to tell you what’s involved
- If you’d like to be on our volunteer list and receive email updates about upcoming events, please send your details to[email protected]
- You can also sign up to easyfundraising which is a scheme where well-known businesses (eg Amazon, John Lewis and many more) make a small donation to the PTFA every time you shop with them.
Here are some other examples of how you can help:
- Selling refreshments at events
- Helping out on Treat Fridays or second hand uniform after school
- Running a stall at one of our events: games, crafts, nails, face-painting, tombola, plants, bouncy castle, you name it!
- Organising raffle prizes and selling tickets
- Running a one-off stall eg plant sale, crafts, books after school – ideas always welcome
- Helping us setting up or clearing up after events
- Asking local businesses or your own place of work for raffle prizes or other donations
- Setting up posters, banners and other advertising for events
- Donating cakes, prizes, plants, books etc for the summer fair
PTFA Nailsworth Primary School is a Registered Charity No: 1092586