
In September 2103, the school changed it’s policy to not authorise holiday requests. This is a clear statement to reinforce that we are committed to providing your child/ren with the best opportunity to learn and make the progress that they are capable of.

As part of our Ofsted Inspection and latest school management review, attendance was highlighted as a growing concern particularly given that over half of the slow progressing children have attendance which is below 95%. We raised the importance of attendance during last year with children and parents through class teacher conversations which are now having a positive impact on day to day attendance. Previously all holiday requests were authorised. The Governing Body believe that this policy gives mixed messages about the importance of attendance and is therefore no longer appropriate. You can view our current policy here:Attendance Policy

In the event of a child being absent from school, it is essential that:

  • Parents notify the school of any absence, including holiday absences.

  • Where children’s attendance is a concern, including holiday absences, the school may involve the Education Welfare Officer. This may lead to a penalty fine.

You can improve your child/ren’s attendance by:

  • Not taking holidays in school time.

  • Arranging medical/dental appointments to be outside school hours wherever possible. If you have unavoidable appointments during the school day, it is preferable for them to be in the afternoon after registration at 1.30pm.

  • Arriving on time at the start of every day by 8.50am. Any late entry after 9am is classed as an absentee for the morning session.


Attendance on time, every day is really important to your child’s learning. 

We are encouraging children to become Nailsworth Attendance HEROs. This is to support parents in encouraging students to be in school everyday, and also to ensure they are on time. If your child is late in the morning they miss crucial learning time and it is recorded as a half day absence, unless it is on medical or in exceptional circumstances. Please can you ensure you contact the school first thing in the morning to inform us if your child will be absent or late. There is an answer phone where you can leave a message.

If you have any queries regarding the procedure for reporting absences, please discuss this in the first instance with the school office.

Holidays in Term Time

The school will not authorise holidays in term time. For more information about the changes in holiday fines, please see the leaflet below;

Holidays in Term Time Guidance Poster

Holidays in Term Time Guidance Poster 193.18 KB

Gloucestershire County Council School Attendance Leaflet

Gloucestershire County Council School Attendance Leaflet 236.16 KB