
At Nailsworth Church of England Primary School,the health, safety and wellbeing of every child is our top priority. We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.We are committed to playing a full and active part in the multi-agency response to child protection concerns.


All staff have current safeguarding training and new staff have safeguarding training as part of their induction. All staff across the school receive an annual update from the Designated Safeguarding Lead in addition to this and regular updates through Support Staff/ TA/ Teacher CPD Meetings. 

We review our policy and procedures on an annual basis. 

Our Safeguarding Team

Staff are asked to report any cause for concern to the Safeguarding Team. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness to children ‘disclosing’ concerns. 


Mrs Broadbent 

Executive Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs Bird

Executive Assistant Headteacher, Pastoral Head of Schools, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Wood

Acting Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Davis

SENCO, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Ostle

Attendance Officer, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Blick

Wrap Around Care Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Early Help

Nailsworth CE Primary School is committed to providing Early Help to children and young people. Our priority is to focus on the needs and listen to the views of the child.

“Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years” (Keeping Children Safe in Education, Sept 2024)

“Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyonewho comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in thebest interestsof the child.” (Keeping Children Safe in Education, Sept 2024)

Click here to view our Offer of Early Help

What if I have a concern about a child?

If you have a concern about your own children or those of others at the school, please contact the school office and ask for a Designated Safeguarding Lead. These are your points of contact in relation to any safeguarding and child protection issues.

If you have concerns that a child may be at risk of serious harm, contact The Front Door (Children and Families Helpdesk) on 01452 42 6565 (9am-5pm).

In an emergency, where a child may be at risk of immediate harm, call the Police on 999.

Key documents and web pages:

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy  Our school Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
Low-Level Concerns Policy Our Low-Level Concerns Policy
Staff Code of Conduct Our Staff Code of Conduct 
Online Safety Policy Our school Online Safety Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 Department of Education
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 Department of Education (2018 is the most up to date version)

Guidance on Safer Working Practice for Adults Working with Children

 Safer Recruitment Consortium homepage with link to most current document

The Prevent Duty Guidance

Department for Education Guidance on the duty to train staff to prevent radicalisation. All our staff undergo Prevent Duty training

Female Genital Mutilation

Government documents that raise awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) and provide advice on preventative measures. All our staff undergo training related to FGM

NSPCC Learning

The National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) offer support and advice for parents and families as well as professionals covering all areas of abuse.

Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership

Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership: a ‘shared and equal duty’ between NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, Gloucestershire Constabulary and Gloucestershire County Council.