School Opening Hours
Drop off and Pick up
The school gates open at 8.30am. Reception and Key Stage 1 children can be dropped off between 8.40am and 8.45am via their classroom door. Key Stage 2 children line up on the school playground until the whistle is blown at 8.45am at which point they enter the school building lead by their teacher.
Registration is at 8.50am and all children must be in class by this time.
The school day finishes at 3.15pm. Reception and Key Stage 1 are dismissed via their classroom door. Key Stage 2 are dismissed on the playground. Please collect children promptly.
After school clubs generally finish at 4.15pm and children will exit next to the canopy in the top playground.
If you are driving, please park in the top playground and then let your child in/out of the car – just stopping in the car park often causes jams, and other will have to wait for you to move off. We operate a One Way System – please drive in and go around in a clockwise direction and exit at the same place as you drove in (being careful of other drivers coming into school). Alternatively, park sensibly on the opposite site of the road, leaving enough visual space for our lollypop lady to see the traffic both ways allowing children to cross safely.
The Normal School Day
8.50 – 9.00
9.05 – 9.35
9.25 – 10.25
10.25 – 10.40
10.40 – 11.40
11.30 – 12.10
12.10 – 1.10
1.10 – 2:00
2:00 - 2:50
2:50 - 3:10
Morning Maths
Phonics / SPAG & Handwriting
Core Lesson
Break and snack
Core Lesson
Foundation Lesson 1
Foundation Lesson 2
This equates to a total of 33.75 hours a week.