Early help is about children, young people and families getting the right help at the right time, before issues get worse. We recognise that some children will need extra support in order to be healthy, safe and to achieve their potential.
If you have a concern about your own children or those of others at the school, please contact the school office and ask for aDesignated Safeguarding Lead:
Sarah |
Mrs Tyler-SellActing Headteacher, Yr6 Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr DavisSENCO, Inclusion Manager, Early Help Lead & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss H CullimoreYear 4 Class Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr WaltonYr 2 Class Teacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Alternatively, concerns about a child can be discussed or reported, anonymously if you wish, toThe Front Door(Children and Families Helpdesk) on01452 426565(9am-5pm). If you prefer, you can send an email to[email protected]
If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a child please contact the Police on 999.
The NSPCC website has a wealth of useful information: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/
The NSPCC can be contacted directly to get help, advice, support and to share concerns about a child, anonymously, 24/7: Email [email protected] Telephone 0808 800 5000
If you know someone at risk of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation*) or is a victim of FGM the NSPCC has a dedicated email and phone line: [email protected] 0800 028 3550
We are aware that a range of different issues could arise at different stages in family life. Please find below a list resources for parents, carers and families:
Download Our Offer of Early Help Leaflet (June 2023)
This leaflet, produced by Nailsworth C of E Primary School, outlines how WE can help YOU as a family detailing your key school and local contacts. |
Early Help For Families | https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/children-young-people-and-families/early-help-and-targeted-support/ |
Family Information Service (FIS) | http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/fis
Provides impartial information on childcare, finances, parenting and education. They can help link parents up with other organisations that might be able to help or provide the information themselves. Contact: 0800 542 0202, free and confidential |
Targeted Support Teams: Support for Vulnerable Children | Providing multiagency support for children and families. A phone call to discuss a possible referral is helpful before making written referral. Targeted support Teams (TST): Gloucester (tel:01452 328076), Stroud (tel: 01452 328130); Tewkesbury (tel: 01452 328 250), Cotswold (tel: 01452 328101), Forest of Dean (tel: 01452 328048) and Cheltenham (tel: 01452 328160). These teams are made up of: CAF Coordinators; Community Lead Professional – disabled children and young people; Inclusion Co-ordinator; Community Social Worker; Family Support Workers. They all work together from one base so they can recognise and respond to local needs and act as a focal point for co-ordinating support for vulnerable children, young people and their families |
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) | FGM is child abuse. It is dangerous and illegal. Call the FGM helpline if you’re worried a child is at risk of, or has had, FGM. It’s free, anonymous and 24/7: 0800 028 3550 You can also email:[email protected] |
‘Honor-based’ violence, including Forced Marriage and FGM | ‘Honor’ Network Help line: 0800 5 999 247
Inspector Fay Komarah is the Gloucestershire Police contact for honor-based violence. Freedom Charity https://www.freedomcharity.org.uk provide help and advice in a bid to combat all forms of so-called ‘honor-based’ violence. Helpline is 0845 607 0133, text the words ‘4freedom’ to 88802. |
Children & Sexual Behaviour | Lucy Faithfull/Parents Protect information for parents understanding the sexual development and behaviours of children 0-11 years:
https://www.parentsprotect.co.uk/traffic-light-tools.htm What to do if a child confides in you about sexual abuse (this could be outside the family or within, including sibling sexual abuse): https://www.parentsprotect.co.uk/if-a-child-tells-you-about-abuse.htm Talking to children about sex and relationships: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/sex-relationships/ |
Online Safety | https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ is produced by National Crime Agency CEOP Command and is packed with useful information and guidance for children, parents and teachers.
UK Safer Internet Centre offers a range of parent and carer support: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/parents-and-carers Sexting – The NSPCC has information and advice about sexting available on its website: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/sexting-sending-nudes/ |
Resources parents could use with their children to highlight online safety | Information on the ChildLine website for young people about sexting
The Safer Internet Centre has produced resources called ‘So You Got Naked Online’ which help young people to handle incidents of sexting |
Mental Health concerns | https://www.onyourmindglos.nhs.uk/- great for young people, parents and professionals in terms of help with mental health issues and where to go for help.
https://www.ticplus.org.uk – TIC+ offers help for children and their carers with text help, counselling, support, guidance and care |
Domestic Violence | www.gdass.org.uk – Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) offers a Helpdesk service (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm). It is managed by support workers who are able to offer immediate support and advice and take referrals for the GDASS support packages. Contact: 0845 602 9035 or [email protected] |
Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre | GLOSRASAC – https://www.glosrasac.org 01452 526770
24-hour answerphone service responded to within 24 hours. Confidential and anonymous email support service: [email protected] The support workers are all women, who are specially trained to work with survivors of sexual violence. |
Radicalisation and Extremism | www.educateagainsthate.com The government website providing information and practical advice for parents and educators on protecting children from radicalisation and extremism.
ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) – https://actearly.uk If you have concerns that someone you know is becoming radicalised towards terrorism, has extremist views or is considering travelling abroad to join a terrorist organisation:
Firearms/Explosives – Gloucestershire Constabulary Run, Hide, Tell advice poster: https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/media/downloads/central/advice/terrorism/run-hide-tell-information-leaflet.pdf |
Children who run away (missing persons/missing children) | PC Christina Pfister (Missing persons Coordinator Gloucestershire Police).
Call 101 (Gloucestershire Police) or Children’s Helpdesk: 01452 426565 (8am-5pm). Out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) 01452 61 4194 The ASTRA (Alternative Solutions To Running Away) has the primary aim of reducing the incidence of persistent running away across Gloucestershire. The project provides support, advice and information to young people up to eighteen years old who have run away. This might be from a family home, foster home or from a residential unit. ASTRA provides support after the event to enable a young person to address the causes of running away. The ASTRA project offers young people help and the support required to find Alternative Solutions To Running Away. Freephone Telephone number: 0800 389 4992 EXCLUSIVELY for young people who have run away and have no money. All other callers are asked to use the ‘ordinary’ number tel: 01452 541599. |
Children Missing Education (CME) | Anyone concerned that a child is missing education (CME) can make a referral to the Education Entitlement and Inclusion team (EEI) at Gloucestershire County Council: 01452 426960/427360. |
Private Fostering | http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/privatefostering
Gloucestershire County council website information on private fostering. Refer to Gloucestershire Children & Families Helpdesk on 01452 426565 or Gloucestershire Private Fostering Social Worker 01452 427874. |