


Subject Intent 

 To increase pupils’ prospects by:

Giving pupils the skills and knowledge needed to be fluent mathematicians, and fully equip them to succeed in the next stage of their Mathematics education.

We are determined to ensure that our pupils are fluent in place value number and can then apply this to other areas of the Maths curriculum. We also want to create mathematicians who can reason and problem solve across all areas of the subject, as well as apply knowledge across the curriculum where appropraite.

·        To develop an interest and curiosity of the world around them so that they intuitively question and think mathematically about problems they encounter.

·        To develop mathematical understanding and conceptual knowledge not just procedural fluency.

·        To become fluent in key number facts, appropriate to their year group (addition and subtraction facts, times tables and division facts)

·        To use the four operations – both mental and written – with confidence; effectively, accurately and flexibly. 

·        To develop a deep understanding of an area of maths through reasoning and problem solving within all lessons.

·        To be curious and ask questions about the maths in the world around them.

·        Children will develop an understanding of the world of work and how specifically someone can make a forge a career for themselves within Maths.

·        To understand how Maths has influenced their lives in particular (time, money etc).

·        To identify the social and economic implications of Maths.

·        To participate in mathematical events in the wider community/school.

·        To use their mathematical knowledge to understand how they can contribute to a better community and society

                                                                  Key Documents 

Together we rise, we learn, we love, abundantly.