Physical Education (PE)



Subject Intent 

To increase pupils’ prospects by:


Enabling children to become life-long, physically active citizens within their local community, prioritising the big ideas within our PE curriculum.

        To introduce children to a wider range of sporting activities, going beyond the traditional sports that children usually participate in.

·         To introduce children to competitive sport within and out of school, with an emphasis of sportsmanship.

·         To educate children on the positives of exercise which allows them to understand how good it can make them feel.

·         To allow children to develop socio-psychological aspects such as control of their emotions, balanced behaviour development through participation in games and sports.

·         To allow children to acquire knowledge about the human body and how it is functioning is influenced by physical activity.

·         To promote safe practise towards themselves and towards others.  

·         To increase children’s muscle strength and balance.

·         To encourage teamwork and improve peer relationships.

·         To lay strong foundations for future Development in Key Stage 3.

                                                                          Key Documents

1.PE at Nailsworth

2.Curriculum Progression-PE

Scaffolding in PE


British Values in PE

Together we rise, we learn, we love, abundantly.