Part-Time Permanent Class Teacher - 0.4
From 24th February 2025, we require a qualified classroom teacher with enthusiasm and flexibility to join our staff team. This vacancy will be job sharing with an experienced teacher, in Key Stage 2 in the first instance, and will be offered on a permanent basis for the right candidate.
Applicants should have an excellent understanding of the primary curriculum. They should have a proven record of good/outstanding teaching, together with a commitment to high standards, both across the curriculum and in terms of their relationships with children. This post is not suitable for Early Career Teachers.
As our school is a Church of England (controlled) School, we place great emphasis on our Christian vision and the core values which underpin this. We would expect applicants to be supportive of these.
The School is currently graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted and was graded a 'Judgement 1' in our latest Church School Inspection.
Tours of the school are being offered on:
9:15am Tuesday 15th October 2024
3:30pm Wednesday 16th October 2024
Class Teacher Person Specification
Documentation relevant to all posts:
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Employment of Ex Offenders Policy
Please note that a Curriculum Vitae (CV) will only be accepted alongside a full application form. CVs on their own do not contain all the information required to support safer recruitment.
In the interests of safer recruitment, we also reserve the right to conduct an online search as part of our due diligence during the recruitment process. The stated aim of this is that it “may help identify any incidents or issues that have happened, and are publicly available online, which the school might want to explore with the applicant at interview.”