Our Governors


The School Governors delegate the daily management of the school to the Headteacher, but they are ultimately responsible for the effective and efficient running of the school. Our Governors are a varied group of interested parents and members of the local community who are passionate about the school and how it works best to benefit our children. They are all volunteers. 

Governors offer strategic guidance, rather than getting involved in the operational aspects of a school. This involves:

  • Working with other board members to plan the school’s strategic direction.
  • Overseeing the school’s financial performance, ensuring money is well-spent.
  • Holding the Headteacher or school leadership to account.

A Governor’s relationship with the school’s leadership team involves challenging existing processes to drive school improvement.

The Governing Body meets in full three times a year. Each governor sits on either the Standards Committee (with a focus on teaching & learning, behaviour and welfare) or Resources Committee (with a focus on finance, buildings, safety and physical resources). These committees meet six times a year.  

Types of Governor

Governors will usually be recruited with a consideration of the skills they can offer to compliment the Governing Body team and contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. 

Co-opted Governors

These volunteers don’t have to have a connection to the school, religion, or the local authority. They are sometimes known as community governors as they are someone who lives in and has a vested interest in the community around the school. 

Foundation Governors

Foundation governors are appointed to the governing boards of voluntary controlled and voluntary aided schools to preserve the religious character of the school. There are foundation governors in every Church of England school, of which Nailsworth is one. 

Parent Governors

Governing boards usually have between 2-4 parent governors, who represent the parent community. They are elected by parents and carers of children at the school. Parents and carers can nominate a potential candidate (this could be themselves). Details of the nominee are then shared with the school parents and carers and an election takes place where parents and carers can vote. If a school can’t recruit a parent governor, a proxy parent governor can join the board. A proxy parent governor is simply someone who has children of school age. 


The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of their office.

Staff Governor

Staff Governors are elected by school staff.

Associate Governor

A board may appoint associate members. When a school has no governor vacancies but is in need of someone with specific skills, this may be a helpful option. Similarly, if a governor is retiring, a governing board may decide to recruit an associate to bridge the gap. Associate members have no voting rights on the full governing board, but may vote on any committees to which they have been appointed.

Local Authority Governors

These governors are nominated by the local authority but appointed by the governing board. Usually the requirement is for someone who lives or works within the local authority.

If you are interested in standing as a governor at Nailsworth CE Primary School in the future, please contact the school office for more information and to register your interest: telephone 01453 832382 

Current Governing Body:

Mr. Roland Roberts (Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Governor)
Mrs. Sarah Broadbent (Executive Head Teacher, all committees)
Mrs. Clare Tyler-Sell (Staff Governor, Head of School, all committees)
Mr. Peter Strachan (Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor, Chair of Standards Committee)
Rev. Caroline Bland (Foundation Governor, Standards Committee)
Mr. Adam Kirton (Co-opted Governor, Chair of Resources Committee)
Mr. Neil Eley (Co-opted Governor, Standards Committee)
Mrs. Lesley-Anne Kirby (Clerk to the Governors)
Mr. Dane Vince (Associate Governor, Resources Committee)
Mr. Stuart Bircher (Associate Governor, Resources Committee)
Mrs. Emily Walsh (Parent Governor, Standards Committee)
Miss. Ria Patel (Parent Governor, Standards Committee)

Previous Governors (in past 12 months):

Mrs. Gill Saville (Chair of Governors)
Mrs. Jenna Jamal (Chair of Standards Committee)
Mr. Richard Mendum (Executive Head Teacher, all committees)
Mr. Stewart King (Associate Governor, Resources Committee, Yr 2 Class Link Governor)
Ms. Elizabeth Geller (Head Teacher, all committees)
Mrs. Caroline Wimbush (Parent Governor, Standards Committee) 
Mr. Mike Wooldridge (Parent Governor, Resources Committee, Yr 1 Class Link Governor)
Mrs. Lisa Knowles (Parent Governor, Standards Committee, EYFS Class Link Governor)
Mr. Peter Holmes (Local Authority Governor, Resources Committee) 

Roland Roberts. Chair of Governors and Governor for Safeguarding.

Sarah Broadbent. I was appointed as Executive Headteacher in September 2023  and am therefore an Ex-Officio Governor by virtue of office. I am a truly passionate practitioner who has a vested interest in providing the very best possible education for as many pupils as possible within the local authority, given my three children are educated within Gloucestershire. My career, all within the education sector, has given me vast experience of teaching across a range of settings from the Early Years (EYFS) to Year 7. I have a broad range of leadership experience, from subject co-ordination early on in my career, before seven years of Senior Leadership, strategically leading SEND, Inclusion, and Safeguarding across a Federation of schools. In more recent years, I have experience of Deputy Headship before becoming Headteacher in a large, two-form, Church of England Primary School in Gloucester. Most recently, I have been studying for my National Qualification of Executive Leadership (NPQEL) and am therefore thrilled that I can utilise the knowledge and skills I have gained through this professional development, to develop a thriving partnership between Upton St Leonards C of E Primary School and Nailsworth C of E Primary School in the forthcoming year.


Clare Tyler-Sell. I was appointed as a Staff Governor and Deputy Head in April 2020. Previously, I was a parent governor for four years at Amberley Primary School.  I am dedicated to the education and welfare of the pupils at Nailsworth and support governors to ensure that we maintain high teaching and learning standards for all children. As a keen artist and musician, I believe that children are best placed to achieve their academic potential within an inspirational and creative environment.

Peter Strachan. I am a Foundation Governor and I sit on the Standards Committee. I joined the school just after Vince was appointed and have enjoyed watching the school going from strength to strength in that time. I was a photographer in London before we moved down to Nailsworth and worked in advertising and publishing but, like Mike Smith, don’t overly miss it. I have a wife, Juliet and two grown children, James and Megan. James is in his final PhD year and Megan is trying to establish herself in the performing arts world. Both are very much at the other end of the educational spectrum, but I have seen how important a good Primary school start is.
Rev. Caroline Bland. I am Ex-officio Governor and sit on the Standards Committee.  I have been Vicar of the Nailsworth Benefice since the end of January 2019.  Prior to being a priest, with a passion for good education for every child, I worked in education, initially supporting children with special educational needs and then as a primary school teacher.  As vicar, it is a privilege to have an active role in supporting the Christian ethos of the school and developing school and church links.
Dane Vince. I have lived in Stroud and the Nailsworth area on and off, for almost 20 years, working in a variety of roles and industries, and sit on the Resources Committee. I currently work at Forest Green Rovers FC and over the years I have enjoyed working closely with Nailsworth Primary School to the benefit of the school and the community as a whole. I thought the opportunity to join the governing body was a fab chance to use my wide range of experience, to help Nailsworth Primary School to continue to be one of the best (if not the best! ?)  schools in the region.

Adam Kirton. We moved to Nailsworth from Cheltenham in 2020, and since then we’ve been working to refurbish our family home and also set up my partner’s dog grooming business.  For the past ten years I have worked in a range of senior human resources roles in the public sector, and currently work for Oxford University Hospitals as the Assistant Director of Workforce.  I hope to bring my experience of staffing, development, and governance to the school.  I was appointed as a co-opted governor in April 2022, and I sit on the Resources Committee.  

Photo coming soon!

Emily Walsh Details coming soon!

Photo coming soon!

Ria Patel Details coming soon!


Neil Eley Details coming soon!


Stuart Bircher Details coming soon!

Together we rise, we learn, we love, abundantly.